2. Views of Trump administration, congressional leadership

Americans are split over what impact Donald Trump will have on the way the federal government works: About as many say he’ll improve it as say he’ll make it worse. And more Americans expect ethics and honesty in government to fall (rather than rise) with his administration. The public is also split – and divided…

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1. Trump’s second term: Early ratings and expectations

Americans are deeply divided over Donald Trump’s plans and the way he is handling his job in the early weeks of his return to the presidency. Overall, 47% of U.S. adults approve of how Trump is handling his job as president, while 51% say they disapprove. And most of these views are strongly held: 37%…

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Comparando los niveles de nacionalismo religioso en el mundo

Este comunicado de prensa se ha traducido del inglés original al español. Una nueva encuesta de Pew Research Center realizada en tres docenas de países revela que las personas que viven en países con ingresos medios tienen más probabilidades que las que viven en países con ingresos altos de ser “nacionalistas religiosos” (religious nationalists), aunque…

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Dünya Çapında Dinî Milliyetçilik Düzeylerinin Karşılaştırılması

Bu basın bülteni orijinal İngilizceden Türkçeye çevrilmiştir. Otuz altı ülkeyi kapsayan yeni bir Pew Research Center anketinde orta gelirli ülkelerde yaşayan insanların yüksek gelirli ülkelerde yaşayan insanlara göre “dinî milliyetçi” (religious nationalists) olma olasılıklarının daha yüksek olduğu bulundu. Ancak dinî milliyetçiler anket yapılan hiçbir ülkede nüfusun çoğunluğunu oluşturmuyordu. Bu raporda, anketimizde dinin ulusal kimlik ve…

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5. What role should religion play in Muslim- and Jewish-majority countries?

In a number of countries with sizable Muslim and Jewish populations, we asked Muslim and Jewish adults for their views on religion and governance – specifically, whether religious law should be the official or state law for people who share their religion, and whether their country can be both a democratic country and a Muslim…

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4. Should religious texts influence national laws?

We asked people in 35 countries about the influence of specific religious texts on their national laws. The texts in question varied by country: For example, adults in predominantly Christian countries were asked about the influence of the Bible. And in Muslim-majority countries, they were asked about the influence of the Quran. In most middle-income…

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3. How important is following a specific religion to national belonging?

Across the 36 countries surveyed, people’s views on the importance of religion to national identity vary widely. Large shares in middle-income countries say being a member of the historically predominant religion in their country is very important to truly sharing the national identity – for example, to being truly Filipino or truly Nigerian. In high-income…

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2. How important should religion be for a country’s leader?

When asked about their national leader’s connection to religion, people are generally more likely to say it is very important to have a leader of their country who stands up for people with their religious beliefs than to have a leader whose religious beliefs are the same as their own, or to have a leader…

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